Hike47°28'49"N120°49'14"WOpening hours: From sunrise to sunset Distance from Wenatchee: 36 miles Prices: free
Hike, 8 miles long, you start at a parking lot in the valley and hike up to Colchuck Lake.Onthewaythereare some passages where you have to climb a bit.A beautiful landscape with a beautiful fi ni shattheColchuckL ake.The passages where you have to climb a bit or the crossings of the river are great fun and won’t let it get boring. You also meet nice people to talk with on the way up.My personal conclusion: What have we visited:The valley (starting point), the way up and down and the Colchuck lake.How long did the trip go: About 5 hoursWhat was nice:The really beautiful landscapeFor which group of people is this sight:For everyone that is fit enough to hike 8 miles Was it worth the dollars:Yes
!Mytip:Go there in the summer so you can jump in the lake from the cliffs