VillageGPS-Coordination: 47°50’34“N 120°1’17“W open from sunrise to sunset Time to go there: 30 minutes by car
ChelanisatouristcityatLakeChelan.Chelan is at the southeastern tip of the lake, where the Chelan River flows into the lake. Chelan Lake is surrounded by the Cascade Mountains, so the city is near the lake. The Chelan area was home to Salish speaking Native Americans prior to the white settlement in the late 1880s. Today Chelan is a city with lots of shops and hotels. 4,100 people live there.Chelan was a place where I was able to relax. I liked the beautifullandscapeandthelakealot. Firstwe went down to the water and after that we had pizza. Then we visited a museum where you can see how the people livedthereinthepast.Itwas reallyinterestingto see the old things and to learn something about life in the past. For the last 30 minutes we walked through Chelan with its shops.After the summer vacation it is really quiet there because the people love to be there in the summer. To finish, we drovearoundthel akeandenjoyedthebeauti ful landscape. We were there for two and a half hours but it was a little bit too short to visit and see all the things there.Chelan is a beautiful place where you can relax and unwind. You can easily stay there for a half day. You can go shopping and enjoy the lake. But there are not a lot of places at the water because all the hotels are there. It is perfect for you if you want to relax. But if you like action, it is the wrong place for you.