GPS: 47° 2' 16.347" N 122° 54' 2.502" W Howfar fromWenatchee?189miles
Facts:Olympia is a calm and very historical city. It is known for having one of the bestStateCapitalMuseumsinthe whole of the United States.
My experience:Olympia is a very beautiful and interesting city. There's a lot of history to learn about Olympia, so the trip was pretty informative.It is a very green city, so it's nice for walks or for just being outside.We visited the Washington State Capital Museum and the local market.The Museum is open Wednesdays through Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.. Admission is $2 for adults and $1 for kids. Family tickets are $5.The museum is closed for renovation for an unknown temporary time.
!Mytip:Personally,Ienjoyedthetripalot;butifyou'renotinterestedinhistory,the museum won't be something for you. It's a lot to learn.